Tuesday, 19 July 2016

How Do I Get Meals On The Table?

Last night I said to my husband "I'm really not sure what I should write about for tomorrows blog" his response was simple "why don't you write about how we get fed every night" Typical man thinking with his belly! If only a women's life was that simple!

So this got me thinking back when Brandon was a new born how the hell did I manage to get food on the table?

Then i remembered all my new born did was sleep in those early days so when he would have his naps that's when i would cook up a storm! And i used my slow cooker ALOT!!! and i still do. Its one of my most used appliances.

Some days i really wonder how i manage to cook our dinner and organise Brandon for bed! But it is manageable. Dinner doesn't need to be anything fancy or expensive it just needs to be healthy, tasty and easy!

One of the meals that i always go to if I'm not sure what to cook and we don't have much left in the fridge for the week is a easy stir fry!
Its not expensive and quick and easy!

Mince (I generally use Turkey or Chicken)
Kale Slaw (this is just a mix of vegetables)
Extra Kale
Soba Noodles
Sauce (you can literally use any sauce you like)
It's so simple just cook the Mince in the pan. Once the Mince is cooked all the Kale slaw cook for a minute, then add the extra kale and sauce. Meanwhile cook the noodles and then add them to the pan. And your done!
Now at first my husband turned his nose up at this saying "ewww kale I don't speak Spanish". Turns out he knew nothing about Kale or where it even came from. I've since converted him its now one of his favorite meals!

One little secret is tell your husband it's Kale CHIPS! Key word being chips they don't even hear the kale part they just hear chips!

Now I really think about it dinner is easy to organise. Lunch on the other hand can be tricky some days. My husband is constantly telling me you really need to eat lunch babe! So these days I make sure i have a big breakfast so if I don't get a chance to have lunch till late I've at least got something substantial in my belly.

So to those new mums wondering "how will I cook and look after my baby??" Just keep it simple, easy and healthy! And if you have a slow cooker use it as much as you can!

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