Sunday, 10 July 2016

Dinner teething and bed.....Hand me a wine would you!

Some nights Brandon will completely smash his dinner back, other nights he completely refuses to eat anything......

On tonight's menu we have tuna, sweet potato and zucchini. This is just something i made up.
Tonight I really had to force him to eat. I think his like his dad and doesn't really like fish. But really who willingly enjoys Tuna anyways?

We have had quite a rough day when it comes to feeding.
His currently breaking through his top teeth, and let me tell you its hell!!!!!
I did Manage to get him to eat quite a bit. So i will just sit here and give myself a high 5 go me!

This picture sums it up in a nutshell!
"The Tooth Fairy's evil twin the teething fairy. She is such a bitch. I need a beer" Well i don't really drink beer so just hand me the biggest glass of wine you can find!

Finally his in bed. Tonight was very challenging when it came to putting him to bed.
I'm very lucky when it comes to bed time he self settles and generally falls asleep in about 5 minutes.

Not tonight......tonight we had tears that's right real tears. He never cries so i ask myself whats wrong? You just had dinner and i offered you a bottle which you refused so your not hungry. Is your nappy dirty? nope its not the nappy. These are real tears so it must be pain. Yes its those god dam evil teeth once again. So i give him Panadol and rock him, i'm glad i don't have to do that every night. 8 kilos is a lot to rock!!!! His finally asleep lets hope he stays that way. It breaks my heart to see him so upset!

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