Sunday, 7 August 2016

Young Life taken too soon

Last night my husband sent me a text message sending me a link to a news page. The title read “A mother of four has died and a pregnant woman has been injured when they were hit by a car at Terrigal”. These girls where both in my husband’s grade at school.

what ran through my head is that could have been anyone that could have been me……
I bet she didn’t expect to go out and not to return home to her loving husband and children.
Even good people have bad luck!

My husband said “I don’t want to be one of those people”

I just lost it when he said that. I think it really hit me because I am a mum just like her. I have a young child like her. I have no doubt that one of her biggest fears, like mine, was the thought of not seeing her children grow up and not having their mummy around.

That fear came true for her.

I can’t imagine how her husband is feeling having to explain to young children that their mummy wasn’t coming home.

Did they cry out in the middle of the night for her, not remembering that she was no longer there?
Did they wake up this morning expecting to see her face?

Do they understand the extent of what has happened? How long will they take to realise that mummy isn’t coming home? How many tears will be shed every time they remember that they are never going to see their mummy again?

All of these thoughts, they are going around in my head. My heart is absolutely aching for those children and aching for her husband who is having to look at a very different life ahead of him. A different life from the one that he was living just a few days ago.
She was innocently crossing the road, when she got run down. She just went out for dinner with her girls. A night out ended in tragedy. She was just crossing the road with her friends as a sports car came around the bend. 
That could have easily been me……..I went out with my girls a couple of weekends ago and one of us could have easily been run down by a car just going too fast!

When it happened, did she know she wasn’t going to make it?

Were her last thoughts that she wasn’t going to see her children again.  That they would have to grow up without her in their lives.

This morning I sat with Brandon as he was falling asleep. I gave him the biggest cuddles. I gave him excessive amounts of kisses to the point where he was pulling away from me. I stroked his head, I took in all of him, his little toes, his long legs, his beautiful face that makes my heart melt every day. I told him I loved him, and I always would. I gave him one last kiss before I left him to fall asleep. I stayed a moment longer than I normally would have to take it all in. Because at that moment, I felt lucky that I could do all of those things. The things that young mother will never get to do again.

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