Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Guest Blog - Candice Williams - The Working Mumma Holly Shit Im a Mum And I Love It

I first started following "The Working Mumma" a few months ago and I seriously fell in love with all of her posts and her blog. I thought to myself her and I are so similar....... She became my little insta mumma crush.....Don't act like we don't all have another mummy crush out there, because we all do!

I finally got up the courage to send her a private message on Instagram. When she replied I though oh my gosh shes actually replied to me! Shes as awesome as her blog is. So I asked her to write a guess blog for me, so all of you can get to know Candice and enjoy her updates as much as I do. 

She gladly said yes!
So have a read below with what she has to say about being a first time mum!

Holy shit! I am a mum... And I love it!

I am that annoying person who just won't shut the hell up about their baby when they are asked, "how's the baby?" I just keep going on and on about how magical the love is, how precious they are and just how amazing motherhood really is! I see the other person's eyes glaze over, I ignore it and just keep rambling. What. The. Hell. Who is this person? And what has she done with Candice?!

Let's rewind to even 18 months ago, JUST before William was conceived. I wasn't sure I wanted kids. We were trying, but to be honest, I thought I could be okay if it didn't happen. We had a lot of trouble falling pregnant, my fiancé was more distressed about it than I was. I would hear co-workers or close friends talk about their children and I legit thought, who on EARTH would want that.

I would wake up from a big night out at 1pm with a hangover, just wanting maccas and the thought would cross my mind... What happens if I had to get up to a baby in this state?? HELL NO! No more sleep ins? Haha no. Feeling this guilt you 'apparently' feel? No thanks, honey. I won't be THAT emotionally invested in my kids, it's not natural and obsessive. I felt sorry for my friends with kids. Don't get me wrong I LOVE kids and LOVED being around my friend's baby/toddlers/children, I was just so turned off by the whole lifestyle.

I know why I felt like this, it was because I didn't know, I wasn't aware of the addiction and love you are overcome with when you have a baby. The love is like no other.

These days I don't crave big nights out, I crave cuddles on the couch with my baby and baby daddy. The guilt feeling? I welcome it. Emotionally invested in my baby? I am balls deep. Obsessed with William? Omg he takes up every thought, even dream, every second of the day... And you know what? I wouldn't change it for anything. This mummy lifestyle? I LOVE IT. I love the early starts, love the late finishes. I love the mummy community. I love it so much. The love you receive the second your baby is born grows and multiples every hour, until you are left loving this tiny human with your whole being and more, in just a few short days.

I am that mum who tells their childless friends not to be scared of it, embrace it! Because it's the best time of your life. And I see them politely smile and give me that look - she's a bat shit crazy mum. She's sooo far gone that there's no saving her now. And you know what? They are right. There is no saving me. I am already saved, by my family.

This secret mumlife world is AMAZING. It CERTAINLY has it's moments, hours and even days, at times, but that addiction you have for you baby keeps you going. That love feeling is the strongest drug in the whole world.

I am 100% positive I am not the only one who has felt like this pre-kids. My pre-baby self would be mortified if they knew that I cried about not being able to breastfeed, that I was obsessed with tracking my baby's poo-y nappies, that I trade the girls night outs with lots of fancy clothes and delicious drinks for brunch catch ups with my mummy friends drinking a hot chocolate. They would be mortified to know I cried sometimes because I am so happy, I cry sometimes just smelling my baby, I cry sometimes because I feel blessed with this life.

I loved my pre-baby life, I had SO much fun and don't regret it. But this life is the best one, the life I would choose ten thousand times over without even a thought.

If only we could show our pre-baby self a picture of our life now? I would show me a picture of me breastfeeding William with Kyle sitting next to me. I would tell her that this would be the happiest time of my life. What would your picture look like?


Candice x

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